Sunday, 30 August 2015

Agenda of Monthly meeting of CHTs Block Bijhari for September, 2015 Advance Note

1) We express the deep grief on the sudden death of Shri Rajender Singh Changra, CHT, GPCS Kulehra , Block Bijhari, Distt Hamirpur HP with pray to grant peace to the deprated soul. His long services in GPS kulehra and Chakmoh were commendable and we deeply express our grief from SSA over his death.
Most important Resolution invited from SMCs of your schools is that they should demand for at least one laptop/computer for the school with clear demand of other infrastructures and facilities which can be covered under SSA grants and budgets.
2) One set of the SSA/SMC Bank Passbook of session 2014-15 SSA Grants debited/credited with the front page of passbook describing the name of account holder school with account number may be sent within one day to BRCC Office either via scanned email at  or any by hand upto 02-09-2015 A/N.
3) The schools having less than ten or having 10-20 students need to improve enrolment by adopting all possible measures and ask us for co-operation what they want to do this in their institution. The improvement in enrolment is desired within two months and schools at the closure end will be monitored by BRCC withing two weeks. The monitoring will involve the learning outcome of students only.The students are focus of our education system and we are supposed to teach them with best methods and wisdom in such a manner that public could keep faith on us and role of Gram Panchayats is crucial in it to increase enrolment.
4) The schools having CWSN / Handicapped/ Special Children as well as Extremely Genius Students (Gifted Children)  must report to BRCC office immediately in written aspect. If these students have not been medically examined(excepting gifted children) and their medical is mandate to provide them more facilities. Please aware the parents in common meeting of SMC proposed on 5th Septemeber, 2015. Special requirements as wheel chair, hearing equipments, spax etc. may also be reported in these cases. The children who belong to BPL/IRDP who have no money to buy even spax may also  be reported separately in this list.
5) Almost 210 out of school children have been detected in our District and these children are to be enrolled soon. The list of these children is available in this office. You are requested to ensure that all these students are formally enrolled in the school without any hurdle of documents and formalities. The admission may be done provisionally and it may be finalized after production of satisfactory documents/declaration/proof/affidavit etc. These children will get free bag, textbooks and shoes from DIET Hamirpur which is commendable effort of DPO Hamirpur with diligent staff members.
6) There are 60 schools in PRERNA Abhiyan which has been successfully achieved in this Block. Out of top three schools, two schools- GPS Dandroo and GPS Loharli  belong to Block Bijhari , Distt. Hamirpur (HP) and they have been honoured by DC Hamirpur on 15th August,2015 by providing appreciation certiicates and One Computer each school worth Rs. 33300/PC. This office congratules them and expect that they will continue this result in future.
7) The training sechdule of PRERNA Abhiyan (in 60 schools by adopting 10 schools per block) has been announced for imrpvement of English language learning level of students and you have been ordered by DC Hamirpur through DP SSA Hamirpur and DDEO Elementary Education, Hamirpur to depute at least one teacher from the selected 60 schools which is known to all the schools and Clusters where it is being run. Only one class teacher/teacher who is involved directly in teaching of Class 3rd to 5th may be deupted to receive the two days special training at Distt.  Level at DIET Hamirpur w.e .f. 04-09-15 to 05-09-2015 at 10 :00am sharp. Its official letter is also available on website
8) SSA congratulates Shri Kamlesh Kumar , JBT , GPS Bumbloo , Block Bijhari, Distt. Hamirpur (HP) for his best services in this department leading him to get the State Level Best Teacher Award. He has achieved this award by motivating others too. Please keep it up.
9) Hindi Divas is to be celebrated in all schools on 14th September, 2015 . Please hold some competitions and speeches in Hindi language as well as Handwriting practices.
10) DPO SSA Hamirpur has directed us in monthly meeting of BRCCs that the meetings of CHTs may be held in rotation and this practice has already been adopted in this Block since 2014.So it may be continued and BEEO Bijhari is requested to approve the same.
11) Actual CCE baseline of the students assessed after 1st term exams may be submitted by 3rd September, 2015.  You must send only number of students with A+, A, B+,B, C,D or E Grades as achieved by them in the first term exams. If exams have not been taken, it may be given by CCE observation. The report of school must show class wise, subject wise grades achieved by number of students in that class. We need statistical data only and the list of students with respective grades may be maintained by school in its own record /CCE Register.
12) Please provide the list of unauthorized private schools running under your cluster/village/ nearby habitations who has no recognition and does not submit DISE to you. Please report these schools and they will be closed under RTE Act norms immediately. Some private schools have been issued closure notice by Department this month.
13) Training for SMC members is also due in September, 2015 and the tentative sechdule with name of retired teachers as DRG has been prepared by DIET Hamirpur. It will be published on web and you will be given information too.
14) To improve the conditions of this Block, we will have to change the present system in desired manner and your kind co-operation is needed in it. A survey will be conducted by us which will only take your some time to fill necessary columns one time but it will reduce the burden of excess letters and circulars again and again. Your school photos, map of school and other important details will be taken from you and they will be published on this blog. The expenditure amount of taking photos and photostating the Survey docs can be done out of School Grant.
15) All schools will have to submit school development plans by 30-11-2015. So they are advised to prepare it. It is not needed as typed in computer. Just make short and to the point plan and send it directly to BRCC Office by ordinary post/hand.Keep one photostat reserved in your hand as ordinary posts may be missing in some rare cases.
16) The enrolment data of past ten years at cluster level is needed from Goshwara Register as on 31st Marchj every year. It may be submitted to BRCC Primary Bijhari Office by 30-09-2015.Its not urgent and you may take time for this one.
17) Status of Civil works is needed from the schools where they are running and are incomplete in any manner. The audit for session 2014-15 may be done within three months and you are advised to keep record ready for that within two months by devoting some time every day if it requires.
18) Being a BRCC Primary, I assure the teachers that they will get detail of every transaction which is done in their SSA Passbooks by this office directly, however, the amount transferred by DIET will be informed to you subjected to availability of information to this office.
19) All CHTs will het tablets soon and they will now do hightech work. Being co-opertaive to technology, I have launched website for BRCC Primary Office works and all teachers will be free to get any query via email. The letters/dak prepared by your office may be emailed at priority to us, even if you are sending it offline too. The schools will be given email ids by me in the next meeting. Its a long work to be done and its not possible without having time. Rest my whatsapp number is 9816034711 which you may note or adding and we will send you docs even through whatspp if and only of you are interested. Rest you may send dak on it too if you have less time to submit offline, but the clarity level must be good enough for printing. If your mobile has a camera of 5 megapixels or more capacity, you mau use it to cature the image of prepared documents and send that to BRCC office via whatspp or email. Nearby colleagues/ fellow teachers/friends/Lok Mitra Kendras help can be taken. It will save your time and money as well. We will manage and publish your docs as which will work as safety of documents. The CD/DVD of documents will be prepared and it will reduce paper work and expeditures.
20) All CHTs are required to visit the schools under their cluster once in every month and you are free to do that work as per your own convernience. You may visit two schools in one day if it is possible. BRCC will also monitor your work. You are requested to provide us the tentative sechdule of visit of the school for monitoring as planned by you. During your presence, we will try to be with you. So you may submit the tentative monitoring sechdule from next month based on your own circumstances in which you think it as best time to go in the respective school with maximum possibility that the sechdule will not be changed.
Thanking with Regards,
Vijay Kumar Heer
BRCC Praimary Bijhari, Distt. Hamirpur (HP)




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